Learning by being…

Tag: mind-stuff

  • Me or I am?

    Me or I am?

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    Dear little family,

    Since Friday I am having some type of poison oak on the arms, but I am okay.

    Got up at 4:00 (am), took a shower and ‘made’ this:

    At 9:00 I am meeting Walter and drive him up to SF, to his son.

    It’s raining (-; the heater in the trailer is running, toastily.



    PS: Once you mentioned confusion about the ‘I am’ thingy.

    Words cannot capture it, because words are only concepts;
    pointers for our attention to follow.

    Rupert Spira formulates it this way:
    I is the name that that which knows itself gives to itself.

    ‘Knowing’ in this context is not dead mental information, but open effortlessly being presence (childlike, not childish).

    Yes, the mind is just a tool; but mistaking the tool for what I am, limiting the child of God to stories and beliefs, is slavery (in myself, in my own house); making me overlook the gift and mystery of this moment.

    “Unless you are born from above you cannot enter the kingdom…”
    Born from below we only know ‘me’ and believe that this is all who ‘I am’.

    Nothing fancy, but extraordinary!❤️

    It took me five+ decades to figure out that figuring out is not the final understanding.

    Everyone is always whole and complete, but somehow we are afraid to (psychologically) die to our sins (our exclusive identification with body-mind-world).

    The character Jesus is yOur own unfolding.
    “Have that mind which is also in Christ Jesus”…
    (don’t be double-minded).

    Someone gifted me the strange opportunity/risk:
    read the Bible as if it were written only for you!

    The same word can mean different things, like ‘me’ and ‘I am’ depending on your identification as flesh (concepts/narrative) or spirit (formless awareness, direct experience).

    Mind cannot figure this out, ‘me’ – mind – is afraid to surrender, to be no-thing.

    Love and trust 🕊️

    Maybe gently read this again, several times (as if for the first time); to relax into it, and allow insights to bloom in their own time.

    All is well 😇

  • God = mental gymnastics?

    God = mental gymnastics?

    A friend asked:
    “Trying to know God with our mind is just mental gymnastics?”

    Mental understanding is theory, concepts, idols.

    When we ‘figure’ life out, all we have is figures in our head, but not Life.

    The word “water” doesn’t quench your thirst.
    The word “God” is not God.

    God is not “another”.
    Life is a mystery to live, not a problem to fix.

    Can you rest in and as “I don’t know”?
    Not a stupid or intoxicated “I don’t know”.

    Relaxing the sense of ‘me’, dis-covering being myself.

    “… in God I trust and am not afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?”

    The trap, for ‘me’, is to personify God, to make God into “another”.

    God is Reality, the cause of the phenomena of Life.
    Language is wonderful, but has its limitations.

    “The only truth in the manifestation is the impersonal senses ‘I am’, all the rest are concepts”.

    Concepts are ‘this world’ of name and form.

    This world is not a mistake,
    but we suffer when we have the me-virus.

    What are you…
    Are you a story, a thing?

    For ‘me’ it was Magdi that provided the inner space and trust to sort out my mental confetti; to experience the difference between thinking ‘I am’ and being ‘I am’.

    Unhappiness is a misunderstanding.
    Quite amazing!