Learning by being…

Category: Collective Sickness

  • Let’s risk to walk the talk…

    Let’s risk to walk the talk…

    On 4 Dec 2024, at 22:27, X wrote…

    Thank you Holger.
    Thanks for being a friend.
    I feel blessed to have met you

    Such beautiful reminders


    “Have met you”?

    Sorry, X, I don’t want to split hair,
    but are you saying bye bye?

    Sorry for my strange humor.


    Funny, isn’t it…
    language, the tower of Babel, like the thing you shared about the different cultures, how looking into each other’s eyes is perceived differently.

    X, I appreciate you very much, you are very bright and humble.


    Let’s risk to walk the talk, to shamelessly welcome each other as a sounding board, not to want anything from each other, but to dis-cover the hidden beliefs/habits in myself that create this me-veil, that seems to separate me from the love of God/Life/Universe.

    “I told you that you would die in your sins;
    if you do not believe that I am he,
    you will indeed die in your sins.”

    The ‘you’ that will die is the fake-me, the ideas and misunderstandings I hold onto for dear life.


    Thank you so much for your friendship!

    Gently risk to share a little more, give yourself a voice, if you want…
    Even though it is very dangerous for the ‘me’…
    I experience it as therapeutic, to risk to give myself a voice, to risk of being-misunderstood.

    What is there to lose but shame, pride and ignorance?
    I am willing to die for Christ/Awareness!

    Anyway, this body-mind-world is fleeting, it has nothing I really want; besides the fun-da-mental creature necessities of food, shelter and clothing (and friendship, clarity of mind and speech, a computer and wifi).

    Do I want to be intimidated by thoughts and feelings?

    I am just talking to myself, learning how to use words; exploring what is real.

    “Let the wheat and the weeds grow together.”
    Matthew 13:24-30

    Often it seems that only in hindsight I can detect the ‘me’ voice (not as something to condemn, but understand, forgive, let go).


    Thank you so much for your love of truth, it’s delicious.
    You don’t need to like me personally, but please risk to speak up!

    I love your honesty, your sincerity.
    Life is quite amazing!

    ‘This world’ – men’s world – without love can be quite a (cruel) kindergarten, yet it is not to be dismissed as a pointer home..


    Back to business:

    Mind, your own business

    We need… (are blessed) to understand the nature of mind.
    Mind as a tool, but not a place to live in.

    What is reality?
    Space and time are mental activity.

    What am I?

    Where do I find myself?
    What am I really certain about, without thinking?.

    When is enough enough?

    What do I really want and need?
    “Practical peace in daily living,
    independent of circumstances”.

    What is at stake?

    What are the toxic narratives that misguide us?

    What are the stories we tell ourself and each other, that separate us from Love/God/Life/Happiness?

    The narratives that dull us, hypnotize us, create a mess on this marvelous planet.


    X, please don’t feel ashamed or betrayed, but I am copying Y on this email as well.

    Love is not personal (for the ‘me’ it is easier to hurt than to forgive).

    Even noble intentions can be hijacked by the quasi-entity and become a trap…

    quiet joy,
    a big hug,


  • Garden of Friends (12/04/2024)

    Garden of Friends (12/04/2024)

    Thank you for our meeting ❤️


    Regarding our collective sickness, the phrase ‘toxic narratives’ popped up.


    What makes the temple of God/Life/Reality a den of thieves?
    (Nice to use this strange language with you guys).

    Looking outward:

    • lack
    • policies and procedures,
    • success is measured in more/money,
    • morals and ethics might be considered for marketing.

    Looking inward:

    • absence of lack
    • risking to betray the me-habits, in service to Life/Love, harmonious balanced interchange.


    When I don’t feel love and loved I look at the world as a consumable, a commodity, a means to an end, for my survival/sanity/entertainment.

    Resting in Being, as Awareness, I see you as myself. I can relax.
    Life is a celebration, a call to being practical, and to share for the benefit of all.

    Art & Education.


    The attitude is different!

    But attitude is not in our control.
    Every interaction changes our conditioning…

    Let it be of good report…




    • When is enough enough?
    • A rough list with toxic narratives: